The Spirit of Prophecy on Bandcamp
My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. -Ps 45:1
This summer, the holy spirit and I managed to locate the number one writer in the francophone world : Dany Laferrière. Obviously, without knowing it, I was wearing the mantle of the Ruah Ha Chodesh (Holy Spirit), On purpose : To activate my hand of a ready-writer. (our tongue and hand need to be interchangeable now a day). Before that, sometimes the seer receives images in his mind to inspire his lips to write on the tablet of his heart as well as people’s heart.
In Revelations, it says the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus - Yeshua, witch in turn is the beginning of Ministry, comments Graham Cooke.
My very first verse I learned 18 years ago, I really believed that the spirit of worship and truth (God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth -John 4:24) witch is what the Father is seeking (for the Father seeketh such to worship him, verse 25.)... People that speaks the truth in grace by testifying personally as to what the Word of God says the Blood of Jesus does for us (that’s how we overcome Satan says Derek Prince) and how the body of Christ has helped them recover all that the Father has dreamed for them since they first confessed His name.
Forgetting the past and throwing the former traumas into his marvellous light beginning to learn wisdom, the Fear of the Lord (Prov. 9.10), how to abide in the Lord (Jn 15), as we war and bring our testimonial confession to the communion table over and over again with a new secure key to unlock a dimension of opened heaven no other man has ever been able to access before, so that the contending fiery arrows of accusations no longer validate our shame - (no longer validating the false idea of God that the accuser’s schemes has stamped on us, working against us)... but validates our position as Son of God and points those arrows at the cross of Jesus (Yeshua) to elevate him, glorify and resurrect him as king as a result of fighting for us, as us, with us. Remember that we believe what we ear and recite and this is how we acquire faith (Romans 10:17)

Jesus’s Evangelist and revivalists ! We're on Bandcamp. Follow us to be the first to hear when we release new music. Metatarso-Phalangeal Joint
Yeshua’s Apostles and reformist ! We're on Bandcamp. Follow us to be the first to hear when we release new music. The Branches' Root


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