
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2020

Report on the house

  *Dear precious stewarders of the  House  Of Prayer, Salvation and Praise,* *After graduation, MPJ signed a vow with the Lord for 100 000 souls for Christ through multimedia studio works by 2028.  Please make this audition audible to the heavenly audience as well as to make the vision visible at your height in the case of the potential virtual spies to your computer screens.  The Torah (the instruction, or the bible) is full of references emphasizing the fundamental prophetic importance to publish with our lips as we behold with the eye of our heart what we are running after- he is purging our vain imaginations.  Presently, our fully treated acoustic war room needs a few fine tunings with its studio setup in  order  to finally welcome full fledged Christian and Jewish talented flower hours to blossom together in the  house  of the Lord.  * The  house  as of this month has two members that already memorized 2 pieces of scu...

Slice of life

Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2020 02:24:45 -0500 Last night after watching the prophetic insights, I was reminded of a Christian Chrismas Party I organized for 10 male secular friends from Concordia University  at my sister-mother’s house around 15 years ago. Then I felt thankfull for that sister (Michelle) who lodged me for a short time at the time.  At thanksgiving in november 2018, I was coveting 100 000 souls for Christ, as noted in the carbon copy of the message I sent her, comparing my recipient to the Sulamite, black but lovely.  I remember the Lord saying to me not to worry if I don’t reach my goal, he’ll multiply on the long-haul.  After reading my vowing message, Michelle requested that I do not enter in contact with her anymore.  She works for Bell and has a daughter, Sarah.  At the time we both participated in Desert Stream/Living Water ministry. Then yesterday, rehersing for 3 hours in the subway (Cote des Neige Metro) I made 18$ CAN and Michelle app...

SOS - Save Our Ship Help the Song of Solomon 1:5 -Health question for US, Autonomous Singers (US AS Potential Vocalists)

   SOS - Save Our Ship Help the Song of Solomon 1:5 -Health question for US, Autonomous Singers (US AS Potential Vocalists) Son Altesse Royale, Son Excellence,  Lieutenant général, (...) «We exist to serve by  Setting Free  - to serve by  Perspectiving Complimentaries - locating freedom» «Nous existons pour servir en rendant libre - pour servir en Perspectivant les compliementarités - localisant la liberté» Merci Seigneur pour m'avoir invité à un service à travers un groupe de jeunes Juif en vacance sur Chabad CDN en juillet où j'ai été désigné à ouvrir le coffre de la Tora et remettre le rouleau d'écriture au maître de cérémonie et où j'ai permis, prophétiquement, à ce qu'ils reçoivent la parole.   Ps 8.2 « Par la bouche des enfants et de ceux qui sont à la mamelle Tu as fondé ta gloire, pour confondre tes adversaires, Pour imposer silence à l’ennemi et au vindicatif.» Ainsi donc, nous prions comme suit : 19 I will give you the keys of ...

Rachel Terrien's trumpet tour cancelled while Trump's votes are being red taped

Miss Terrien, the Universe’s blessed trumpet player reached the top at an early age because I sense she misbereaves her father right now because she never could find comfort in him when she was made fun by her peers at school (made ridicule) du to her family name’s consonance meaning «t’es rien» (you’re nothing) !!! Why do I say that ? A couple of years ago, I had the privilege to interview her real Quebecois father during her appearance at the Jazz Fest. He was the one selling the tickets of the jazz joint they created. He said she had two horns (cornes) «pour foncer dans le tas» (to run through a troop) !!! Praise God for pushing fathers who create an outlet for their sons or daughters, despite the lack of comfort many jazz musicians experience. Jam night I caught on my Camera with Rachel Terrien and Patrick Lampron in July 2012 : 

AgapElove Pur Sue Righteousness and covet prophecies 009
