
Affichage des articles du février, 2021

Invitation to participate in a listening workshop, post an appearance and register in the first year curriculum under the school of the spirit.

  Object :   Invitation to participate in a listening workshop, post an appearance and register in the first year curriculum under the  school of the spirit . Dear beloved aspiering directors,   Should you have some residues of bitterness still, you qualify perfectly to enter through the door of our Epigrace University !!! Please provide an email adress to receive further details about your unconditional acceptance and your breakthrough qualifications that makes you one of us. Should you begin your first year program with us as one of our official staff, Epigrace University wants to welcome you with a special listening workshop mimiking a walk on Via dolorosa in Jerusalem.  We suggest you to begin with the «4 keys for earing from God» sessions in the school of the spirit under Dr. Mark Vickler.  I am leaving you my first assignment we are to complete together as a group we hope to initiate a whole community to ear from God.  T...

Psalm 22 VideoChallenge - Our assignment for you

For Zion sake I shall not be silent  says Isiah 61 and  Berean Study Bible  say   Let the redeemed of the LORD say so , whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy   Action point  :   In  order  to prevent a possible  french /jewish holocost in our postmodern technocratic world, please comment on  the lyrical content of the song we are to study and meditate on (Please use version 007 in the serie as it seems better as we intend to feature MPJ’s activities on television.   #1 Investigate  whether external technical support service is beneficial in the  house  of prayer and how what Alain did on itune market it in the first Quarter of 2020 (4 album releases) could benefit the global Christian community and repeat it for other artists with his  Protools  perpetual licence 1000$ investment he acquired ?   #2 In other words, investigate how you are to benefit from monthly professional...

Comparative listening workshop

Comparative listening workshop   Action point : Inyour opinion does the lyrical (version 007 for example) seems better if youintend to feature MPJ’s activities on television in order to prevent a possible french holocaust in the world?   Wendy Ordonez from Jesus Passion House of Prayer often asked What is  a prophet ?  answering that a prophet is a good ear.   Yes ?  Yes indeed, and I say that earing is an action verb.   In this first workshop you areto make an hour for a comparative listening session to our latest album «Thereis none like you» melody from Tony Sperandeo on the french lyric transcripted from psalm 22 and see how the nation able to support persecution...  1. Compare mix A with one of the 8 audio mixes posted on bandcamp  A)  There is none like you (Ein Kamocha) (Masterized by Soundcloud’s automated mixers) B) There is none like you (Ein Kamocha) bandcamp  (pickone of the 8 Rough versions on bandcamp...

Survey -As in a mirror concept inner Debate

​   musical poetic junction roll-up banner 025.jpg ​​   musical poetic junction roll-up banner 026.jpg ​ ​ «  At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known. » - 1 Cor 13:12 Dear Beloved, Just a week and a half after launching our University, we are almost at the stage of going into printing our Epigrace University banner attached below where you can see it's process here. I just got this revelation verse over my debate I had with Maman Francine and the context deals with Love at the end of 1 Corintians 13  wich goes as follow in my own words :« Then we will know perfectly but now we see partially as in a mirror»   The issue I noticed is with the Facebook platform direct videomaking reverses the image as in a mirror !!! In other words, do we want to appear normal, in reverse or in reverse, as normal ??? So your question for me is :    Q. Shou...

La porte rouge de la bourse roux qui monte et roucoule en nos saints (ceint de sous-cent)

Mardi le 9 février 2021, 13h12   « le régime socialiste somalien, qui avait jusqu’alors coopéré étroitement avec l’Union soviétique, rompait avec Moscou au moment de la guerre de l’Ogaden, tandis que l’Éthiopie qui, du temps de l’empereur Haïlé Selassié, avait été le principal allié des États-Unis en Afrique, se rapprochait soudain du camp socialiste et obtenait une aide politique et militaire décisive.» -[art] La corne de l'Afrique dans la tourmente, Le Monde diplomatique, Octobre 1982, page 18 ( ) Shalom bien-aimé Pasteur Marc Hôte et Marc autres, L'histoire se répète aujourd'hui alors que selon moi les chrétiens ont échoué de maintenir le pouvoir à la tête des nations aux États-Unis d'Israël par son armée chancelant dans la prière et dans le combat spirituel,  illustré dans mes 2 dernier film d'animation qui se ressemblent mais ne se suivent ; Tomb Trump 000 : )...