Invitation to participate in a listening workshop, post an appearance and register in the first year curriculum under the school of the spirit.
Object : Invitation to participate in a listening workshop, post an appearance and register in the first year curriculum under the school of the spirit . Dear beloved aspiering directors, Should you have some residues of bitterness still, you qualify perfectly to enter through the door of our Epigrace University !!! Please provide an email adress to receive further details about your unconditional acceptance and your breakthrough qualifications that makes you one of us. Should you begin your first year program with us as one of our official staff, Epigrace University wants to welcome you with a special listening workshop mimiking a walk on Via dolorosa in Jerusalem. We suggest you to begin with the «4 keys for earing from God» sessions in the school of the spirit under Dr. Mark Vickler. I am leaving you my first assignment we are to complete together as a group we hope to initiate a whole community to ear from God. T...