Invitation to participate in a listening workshop, post an appearance and register in the first year curriculum under the school of the spirit.


Object :   Invitation to participate in a listening workshop, post an appearance and register in the first year curriculum under the school of the spirit.

Dear beloved aspiering directors,


Should you have some residues of bitterness still, you qualify perfectly to enter through the door of our Epigrace University !!! Please provide an email adress to receive further details about your unconditional acceptance and your breakthrough qualifications that makes you one of us.

Should you begin your first year program with us as one of our official staff, Epigrace University wants to welcome you with a special listening workshop mimiking a walk on Via dolorosa in Jerusalem.  We suggest you to begin with the «4 keys for earing from God» sessions in the school of the spirit under Dr. Mark Vickler.  I am leaving you my first assignment we are to complete together as a group we hope to initiate a whole community to ear from God.  Together we shall go further  Thanks to Ms Nahia Haddad from the illustrious burning heart house of prayer BHHOP over Holy Ottawa's family.

I feel I'm finally dreaming the dreams of God by engaging in the mission of this new education mountain walk.  Are we pioneering ?  Praise God for His superior highest humbleness.  


According to Obed, a local Master Theologian from Université Laval in Montreal, Qc, there is no such thing coined as 'spiritual father' in the Bible but he said that Paul did engendered sons 'in the faith' , making allusion to the fact we should persuade ourselves, never dominate one another...

How should we reach/teach the 40/40 window as a school ?

We noticed Kazakstand Mongolia and several other countries were not reached yet with CLU's school of the spirit when we access our own registration page here.  

However, would you say that the 40/40 window (as in the high-mountains depicted on one of our web page here)  correlate to the missing parts of the globe where Epigrace University prophetic solutionists should be ?


Epi as in 'above' or ultimate ?

If Epignosis is 'attained knowledge' according to Shawn Bolz in Graham Cooke's serie Expectation episode 15, could we also say that Epigrace University is the perfect University to learn how 'attained grace' is the perfect epivision strategy to activate our epifaith ?  Some have a habit of contracting «et puis» (and so) into 'épis' in Quebec, but we rather emphasize the fact that we would be happy to serve you by making your own 'EP' (extended play) as we are the singers, the musicians, the recording studio, the mixer and the mastering experts.

In that case, dear beloved, may we collaborate together as Epigrace University want you to post our banner.  We want you to follow a program with us from your portal.  

Should we officiate together or just affiliate with you, let's aim to go toward the nations yet to be 'attained' with the red thread-door of our epigrace life narrative ?  I'm thinking of the urgent need for us to attack Communist China infiltration or the occident (The Epoch Times of January 2021 was titled «The silent war of Communist China against the Occident» noticing the PCC's intentions of world domination and pernicious subtled inner feeble perverse mentalist influencers.). Indeed, the best defense should be to blow away the strongholds of fear, depression, bitterness, intimidation, accusation and so forth by engaging an army of warrior-bride with our intercessory prayer training kits.



B'shem Yeshua, 



Alain Daigneault, Hope ambassador

MPJ - Mighty/Musical Poetic/Prophetic Junctions/Justification 450-300-2467


P.S. (joint pieces)

Psalm 22 Video Challenge : Making yourself appear by disappearing- going to the tomb, our optional assignment*


Action points :  In order to prevent a possible  french/jewish holocaust in our postmodern technocratic world, please comment on the lyrical content of the song we are to study and meditate on (as we intend to feature MPJ’s activities on television).


#1 Colossians 3:17 - And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, [do] all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.


#2 In this first workshop you are to make time for a comparative listening session on our latest album «There is none like you» melody from Tony Sperandeo on the french lyric transcripted from psalm 22 and watch how high form of french prayers (prières franc haut forme) can maintain the endurance efforts level against persecution  ...


#3 .Compare mix A with Mix B -one of the 9 mixes posted on bandcamp platform (B)

A) (Masterized by Soundcloud’s service for 5 $)


(pick one of the 8 Rough versions posted on our bandcamp site) 


#4 «For Zion sake I shall not be silent says Isiah 61. Elsewhere, scripture tells us «Let the redeemed of the LORD say so» .  

Challenge the camera lens in your best form/shape in order to deputize your collegues.  Explain your point of view supported by a 2 Tim 3: 16-17 «All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.…»


#5. Psalms 139:14 - I will praise thee; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made: marvellous [are] thy works; and [that] my soul knoweth right well.   Post your video that demonstrate your earing/listening ability on one of these various platforms (our virtual gardens).


#4 Share your appearance on the official Epigrace university page (

Should you be deputizing other various Christian leaders for this challenge, do it with joy ! (this is your strenght, joyfully tag them- when you start your post with the @ sign)



If you are not daring posting a video challenge, be more than our guess to visualize, pray or create new narratives for our Metatarso Phalangeal Joint character we incarnated for years in that kind of narcissic prison...  Please comment, link, capture and prayerly overview MPJ's first step traces as a nomadic seer visual journal preceeding this decade of turmoil and caos!

You may direct us on how these visions should be disposed elsewhere ?  (




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