God's Word about Metatarso Phalangeal Joint Productions / Alain Daigneault

May 2018

The Father says to MP-JPHOP, Metatarso Phalangeal Joint/Jesus Peace House of Prayer :

« Today, you've taken a huge step away by taking your tablet away during the night to bless Kampala, Africa with your contending prayer for rain in the region.  Yes, Hypofrontality and a dry front is in correlation with where you are spiritually : in a desert and not near a stream of living water.

Now I want you to know your assignments for I am going to clean the mess the strangers left when they visit your house spreading lies against you, imposing their own presence, distorted ways & spreading the bad odor of wicked counsels.

When you will be aware and councious of what you are assigned to, not running to & fro (because you are a vessel of honor) you'll no longer waver or question my presence.  You do well to repent from abusing the pleasures of life for your love is better than wine.  You might have been sick for a long time, so do not create an opportunity for the ennemy to keep you in that state.

In the same way that you become friend with your phone doctor, in case something wrong happened to the idols or icons you've invited, I say to you, become friend with those whom belong the true riches of heaven and be a friend to those who have acquired the riches of the earth.  Thank God that they will show you in what ways you have hidden from yourself/remained in denial.  Your condition is no longer conditional in how men sees you but how I see you, perfetly made in my image.  Originally, what I intended for you was to enjoy life as a son, in whom belongs all the earth.  Let the earth breathe a little and show you where her wounds are.  You call yourself a Prodigy Poets, a «Coach des Nachion à CDN -Côte dénaiZions» ? (In reality, CDN stands for coast of snow because nations forms a snow ball that need to be melted or unshoveled before me) Then your assignment is to proclaim my kingdom decrees of well being.  Healing and restoration to those areas where the skin is hurt or not thick enough to resist my burning of fire.  You may feel dry for the task is not beyond your capacity if you empty yourself from pride and hypocrisy.  Rest in me and I'll deal with the negativity that wants to assail you too much electricity and electronic devices has kept you from the goodness of your traditional work you've acquired.  Dig and deepen those material so you'll enjoy your investments.  Remember, playing being sick is a lot more hard work than simply attending to your assignations.  If  your life is complicated, don't blame me even the materials you have con't do what only I can do for you: help you in your simplification process. »


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