The cheapest health insurance ever & Pre-Rosh Ashana stories at a Yeshiva, at CMCI & at CIAC

Dear beloved,

In case you did not know, my last name is Daigneault -a deformed typed of Daigne l'eau (Dare the water)-... Water represents either the word of God or the presence of God in the world. The reason we sometimes refer to «water spirits» is because anywhere where the presence of God is high, other spirits in the word of God but not of God wants to take advantage of the presence. Let's sing Betty Jean Robinson God's infallible word (, that every spirit from the world departs from us by God's process described in its lyrics !

On that note, according to Dr Joseph Peck, the Time doctor, the cheapest health insurance ever is to get a water ionizer for our tap water.  He says that we should love sales, according to Michael Pink's book '7 secrets of the sale', because it allows us to make an investment in ourselves to step into a bigger life with God.  So let's not curse ourselves by selling 'stuff' on a sale discount (dis-count, to sell without counting)...  Let's find the best product possible for our budget when we'll be ready to invest on the best ionizer possible.(

Let's choose the best one should we ? (

Be shem Yeshua,

Alain Daigneault, BFA Film Animation - Ministre Puissant et itinérant en Jésus 
«I exist to serve by Hatching Impression -to serve by creating imprints »
MPJ - Mighty Poetic Junction
«We exist to serve by Setting Free - to serve by Perspectiving Complimentaries - by locating freedom»

Pre-Rosh Ashana press release

Last Thursday night I went to a private community Jewish Orthodox library/sanctuary called 'Charity' with my shofar at hand. In the past month, I sneaked in the back and was discrete but two ultra-orthodox made a little skit encourage me to exchange what we have in our pockets/wallet. This time, however, I believe I obeyed my Lord to go bless them with my shofar, 4 days prior the feast... A rabbi told me to read softer. There was a deaf man who smiles. There was a kid who laughs at me and told me to come back Monday and blow. Another man was happy and said we should blow the shofar at all times. One guy told me we need to register to use the space. One guy told me not to come back, told him obedience is better than sacrifice, blew anyway and left. What do you think I should have done? I looked up the word «Register» and funny enough, it means of an instrument, to detect and show a reading automatically... in other word, for a watchmen, it would be to detect sin and show a scripture reading automatically. Pray I be able to access them by bringing my Alléluia Scripture bible. Hopefully without being taxed because of its bright purpole...May the anger of this young zealous orthodox Jew who is probably against Zionism (I was wearing a blue base underneath my African shirt and a fashioned blue coat !!! Let's sing ‘Sing Jerusalem Sing’ by Betty Jean Robinson. «Praise for heaviness, joy instead of mourning».(
CIAC had a camp Friday Saturday to awaken the bride of Christ with Revivalist Sylvain Joly. Powerful time. As they blessed Pastor Alain, I felt the Lord ministering to me as well and everything they declared on him, I felt to receive it as well  in my spirit (namely to beging to write a book) as I was in a hyper cold trance (which is a kind of experience with God found in Acts 22.17 «wherein a person's body is overwhelmed by the Spirit of God, and that person's mind can be arrested and subjected to visions or revelations that God desires to impart.»-The Seer expanded edition, p. 152»!!!) I was on the floor thrusting for the reception of the impartation from the Revivalist to use my mouth (piece).
I gave my name to the nursery team at CMCI's church yesterday as I blew the shofar during worship and stood before the people of God and testify.

Cry is the first pillar of our 
C.A.R.E.S. model to teach the children on how to pray in a way that the iniquiteous spirits in them will come out and up from their trought, toward God. You may 'register' (def : a particular part of the range of a voice or instrument. "his voice moved up a register") your child's voice so God and us can ear the primal desire to set free, wich is our main purpose by the way : We exist to serve by Perspectiving freedom. I can ear you on the mensenger App, unless you record it and send the file by and we will release a powerfull CRY orchestra. (Find the 'Alain Daigneault' on facebook, the one with the cover album image of «Ashira (I will sing)», available on itunes by the way) to learn how to attract the Nursery CARES of God in our life.

  1. C ry out to the mercy of God.
  2. A ppeal to his nature.
  3. R ecall his past promises (that means recording our prophecies and revisiting them)
  4. E nlarge God in your circumstances and recognize that God is bigger than our problems
  5. S ing : «Shout for joy oh barren one... (Is 54:1)»

I wanted to testify what I had experienced with the lord in the congregation the night before and teach that...(oh !, by the way) the most important thing of all is to experience God  !!! I felt moved to tell the pastor at the end that evangelism is not the priority but all he cared about was having true baptism, not the spraying of water because, according to them, there is true and false baptism ! I think they should emphasize the different types of baptism found in scriptures. Instead, I told the audience that on my way bicycling to CIAC (Cité des ambassadeurs), I passed behind metro Park where I saw around 7 teenager boys fighting. I stopped them asking to watch my YouTube channel. Started to sing my song (Daniel 2) when 2 of them were clapping the rhythm. Praised God, 2 minutes later, the two teen girls who eared me applauded.    !!! After all, CMCI is a missionary church from Cameroon whose primary call is to make disciples and grow the number of churches in Montreal...(which is kind of paradoxical when you think that the churches in America only grow, in general, by fusion). Let's pray for the foundations of Church culture may not be an impediment to scriptural basis.


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