Our process of finding our purpose / my process of finding my purpose
This is the best on purpose app I've ever seen (you can buy the app for 9$US at https://on-purpose.com/). It's easy as 1-2-3. Do it, it only takes 10 minutes if you know where you're going. Joseph Peck had one for his business and one personal.
I discovered while doing the comparison of values from a perspective of a value we want to attract or that we need. So our professional purpose, or the purpose of our private partners is «We exist to serve by setting free».
I think I found one for me and one for my future partner. from «I exist to serve by...» «...Creating imprints», I tweaked it a little (using a thesaurus) for «...hatching impressions» and from «...setting free» to «...localising complementaries» to «...perspectiving freedom»...let me know witch one apply for me the best and why ?
Let me know any scripture references about why we have to be on purpose ? I know that Jesus had a flint face to go in Jerusalem... but we must understand why he had pressure to do this... it must have been a need for him to fufill his mission of redemption.
What would be Jesus's 2 word purposes if not all of the one used in the app ?
What about the two Josephs ? Mary, John, Peter ? Ruth, Joshua, Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or any characters that represent yours in the bible (including the bad ones because we all have flaws...) ?
Let me explain the process again :
We first fine tune the result by many comparisons of the polarisations of purposes like a reversed funnel or triangle. Thet we look in a thesaurus to make it more interesting... from «I exist to serve by creating imprints» to «...I exist to serve by Hatching impressions» (check definition in appendix below)
«I exist to serve by Hatching impressions»
Hatch definition
1. To break an egg so a baby animal can come out
2. To create or decide on a plan, especially a secret plan
3. An opening through with floor or wall or the cover for an opening, especially on a ship.
Using the thesaurus, we go from «Setting free» to «Perspectiving complimentaries» :
«We exist to serve
by perspectiving complimentaries»
... and
... and
«We exist to serve by localising complimentaries».
(If we are in a bible study, we give more than commentaries, we give complimentary commentary)
In other word, anywhere people comes from, we want them to meet the Holy Spirit in us.
Should we exist to serve by perspectiving freedom or perspectiving complimentaries ?
Let me know in the comment box.
(If we are in a bible study, we give more than commentaries, we give complimentary commentary)
In other word, anywhere people comes from, we want them to meet the Holy Spirit in us.
Should we exist to serve by perspectiving freedom or perspectiving complimentaries ?
Let me know in the comment box.
def :
- : to mark (something, such as a drawing or engraving) with fine closely spaced lines
- Middle English hache, from Old English hæc; akin to Middle Dutch hecke trapdoor
1: to
produce young by incubation
2a: to
emerge from an egg, chrysalis, or pupa
b: to
give forth young or imagoes
1a: to
produce (young) from an egg by applying natural or artificial heat
Definition of impression
the way that something seems, looks,
or feels to
a particular person:
an attempt at copying another
person's manner and speech,
etc., especially in order to
make people laugh:
idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one
formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence.
first impressions of Manchester were very positive"
feeling, sense, fancy, suspicion, sneaking
suspicion, inkling, intuition, hunch, apprehension; More
- 2.an imitation of a person or thing, especially one done to entertain."he did an impression of Frank Sinatra"
impersonation, imitation, mimicry;
parody, caricature, burlesque, travesty, mockery, lampoon, pastiche;
informaltakeoff, sendup, spoof;
did a good impression of their science teacher"
1a: a
characteristic, trait, or feature resulting from some
influencethe impression on
behavior produced by the social milieu
a: a
stamp, form, or figure resulting from physical contact
c: an
especially marked and often favorable influence or effect on feeling,
sense, or mind
3: the
act of impressing: such as
a: an
affecting by stamping or pressing
b: a
communicating of a mold, trait, or character by an external force or
4a: the
amount of pressure with which an inked printing surface deposits its
ink on the paper
b: one
instance of the meeting of a printing surface and the material being
printed also : a
single print or copy so made
c: all
the copies (as of a book) printed in one continuous operation from a
single makeready
6a: the
first coat of color in painting
b: a
coat of paint for ornament or preservation
7: an
imitation or representation of salient features in an artistic or
theatrical medium especially : an
imitation in caricature of a noted personality as a form of
theatrical entertainment
VIEW especially : an
instance in which a specific element (such as an advertisement) is
displayed on a web page accessed by a userAlthough
many consumers have never heard of ad tech firms, people's online
activity is influenced every day by these companies as they battle
for a share of ad impressions on
phones, tablets, and laptops.
- noun scene, background
- free
- adj.without charge
complimentary adjective (PRAISING)
- If something is complimentary, it is given to you without charge:
admiring, applauding, appreciative, approbatory, approving, commendatory, favorable, friendly, good, positive
adverse, depreciative, depreciatory, derogatory, disapproving, inappreciative, negative, unappreciative, uncomplimentary, unfavorable, unflattering, unfriendly
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