SMARTT goal of winning an Oscar

SMARTT goals

What exactly is the 4-what model ?

According to Joseph Peck for each goal, we must ask :  
1. What is your goal ?
2. What does that mean specifically ?
3. What will that get you ?
4. What step will you take to get there ?

Are the who and where of your goal setting of lesser importance ?  
(are there levels of goals ?)

(1.) Winning an Oscar for Best Jazz interpretation by 2035

(2.&3.) What does that mean specifically and what will that get you ?

(Why win  ?)

Seeing my friends calling me, congratulating me, running after me, getting love messages rejoices my soul and gives me a sense of fulfillment and greatness. Journalists are on my case in a good manner. Radio interviews that books my week plus invitations from congregations increases the awareness of our Messiah in the Jewish community. (Romans 9 talks about the goyim provoking the Jews to jealousy, but right now, I believe there is a reverse movement where the Jews are provoking Christians to jealousy.)

We are the subject of film productions, documentary filmmakers and orators/humorists/pastiches and we are in demand all over the country and beyond to coach, teach or preach. We receive flowers from other mountains that admires our works.

In our rôle of prophets to the nations, our goal to reach 100 000 souls for Messiah by 2029 by winning the Oscar for best arrangement and interpretation of Jazz music lyrics to vocal performance that will get us recognition, invitations, interviews, leverage, horizontal views, more platforms (2000 + platforms of new media content)

(4.) What steps  ?

1. Obey / listen listening to the voice above

2. Be in health – Good habits – right mindsets

- 15 minutes journaling

- regular sleep patterns good nutrition financial margin contracts work (12 hours per months is 144$ extra if paid 12$ per hours)

Respect the budget – saying no to most devotional offers

C.A.R.E.S.  (from James Goll's church):

C.ry out to God.

A.ppeal to His nature.

R.emember past victories, Enlarge who God is in you and who you are in Him and who we are in the world, Representing Him. again.

4.Complete year one at Jam vocal school + Coaching

5. 450 hours at Carrefour des Arts de Représentation à Verdun + coaching

6. Complete 3 years at Vanier as a vocalist, pianist or sax player (maybe the soprano allows me to carry it on a bicycle)

7.Get paper applications ready

8.Getting ready to sing/vocalize/audition.
- 10 minutes of vocal improvisation a day
- Rehearsing 5 songs per day
- one song 50 times in my mind every day

9. Create my own devotion / blog entries / video exhortations
10. Attend to the Super Auditor brotherhood meetings / fellowships at least every 2 weeks
11. Appear at fundraiser events
12. Volunteers at church service as clarinetist and mouth piece (commit to 1 church only).


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