Dream Axes in heaven oct 18 2019 (5780)

1. Axes in heaven cutting trunk trees

I was descending from th high heaven & throwing my axes on trunks... there was clouds of trees & many levels of clouds. At each levels, I planted an axe on a tree trunk.

Symbolism : It is a symbol of spiritual penetration and fertilization, as it opens the ground. The twin-bladed axe is often associated with the Hindu thunderbolt, so it is a symbol of celestial illumination. Related to the ox because of its shape, and can be a general talisman of strength. (Google)

BONNIE JONES's article' «IT’S TIME FOR THE AX HEAD TO FLOAT»on AUGUST 2017 Asks did you learn to love and wrote two revelations linked with the axes's function :


And the sons of the prophets said to Elisha, “See now, the place where we dwell with you is too small for us. Please, let us go to the Jordan, and let every man take a beam from there, and let us make there a place where we may dwell.” So he answered, “Go.” Then one said, “Please consent to go with your servants.” And he answered, “I will go.”  So he went with them. And when they came to the Jordan, they cut down trees.  But as one was cutting down a tree, the iron ax head fell into the water; and he cried out and said, “Alas, master! For it was borrowed.”  So the man of God said, “Where did it fall?” And he showed him the place. So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float. Therefore he said, “Pick it up for yourself.” So he reached out his hand and took it.  (2 Kings 6:1-7 )
The ax head represents the power of God; the anointing of God working through us. It’s the cutting edge. But if the ax gets dull you cannot succeed in ministry. You’re unable to accomplish the work of God without the anointing.
If the ax is dull, And one does not sharpen the edge, Then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success. (Ecclesiastes 10:10)
When Elisha threw the stick into the water there was a supernatural exchange.  The young prophet humbled himself admitting he lost that which he had borrowed. He was remorseful and repentant. Then the man of God took a stick (which represents man’s human efforts) and cast it into the river. There was a supernatural exchange through the power of repentance. Restoration took place and the ax head floated to the top, which is impossible.
Elisha asked the young prophet, “Where did it fall?” (2 Kings 6:6) Or another way of saying it, “Where did you get off course or where did you lose the anointing?” You see many have been living on borrowed time and not walking in the fullness of the anointing they’re called to. Many in the body of Christ have been waiting for God to move in their life and all the while He’s been waiting on them to grab hold of His garment.  When they got off course all progress halted. Their spiritual life stopped and they lacked faithfulness and intimacy with God.
Once the ax head floated to the surface Elisha told the young prophet to pick it up. In other words, quit mumbling and complaining about the past. You have repented now pick up the anointing and move on. The fact that some have gotten off course becomes ancient history once they repent of it. Now its time to grab hold of His garment and move with the anointing.  Put your hand into the river of God and flow with His Spirit.
“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit (John 15:1-2)
The sons of the prophets were raised up to turn the nation to God. As they grew in the anointing they outgrew their school and were ready to be released into ministry. It was time for them to begin to disciple others. Now they stood at the bank of the River Jordan. The same place where they witnessed Elisha receive Elijah’s mantle. It was no accident one of them broke his borrowed ax. It was necessary for Elisha to perform a prophetic act in this place. Here Elisha represents the Father that prunes away the branch so it will bear more fruit and be more productive. The tree can no longer bear fruit without the Holy Spirit. We need the power of God to get the job done. We can’t do it without Him.
“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit (John 15:1-2) The Jordan represents the river of God and resurrection power. When Elisha threw the stick in the water supernaturally the ax head, that represents the power and anointing, emerged. But he told the young prophet to pick it up. Why? By faith he had to pick up the anointing. In the same way Elisha had to pick up the mantle of Elijah when he was taken up in the chariot. Elijah was a father to Elisha and he was father to these young prophets. Gehazi was Elisha’s servant and stood to inherit his mantle however he was greedy and corrupt. At the close of 2 Kings chapter 5 Naaman, commander of the Syrian army, had just been healed of leprosy in the River Jordan. Gehazi lied to Elisha after he misused his authority and cheated Naaman. Gehazi lost his position as servant to Elisha and received the curse of leprosy. He was pruned and bore not fruit. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; And they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. (John 15:6) You see the young prophet passed the pruning because he humbled himself, repented then picked up the anointing. When he reached down into the River Jordan he was anointed for supernatural ministry. 
Last week I was returning home from a ministry/vacation trip in Georgia. As I pulled out of my parking place I noticed the license plate on the car beside me – 4444. Four – the power of the Holy Spirit to the fourth degree – NOW! Then on my ride home I continued to see a series of double numbers; 2929, 7676, 5050, 2020, 1919 and several more. The Lord began speaking to me about the double blessing – the Elisha anointing. In June I shared about the x-factor and how God is crossing His hands and releasing a double portion to the body of Christ like Jacob did by choosing the second born Ephraim over the first born Manasseh. I believe that time is upon the body of Christ now. There is no more delay.
If you aren’t moving in the anointing then do self-examination. Ask God to reveal where you got off course and where you lost the anointing. Then humble yourself, repent, pick up the anointing and move on. Don’t let the enemy sidetrack you into believing you don’t have it. You are not the stick cast into the river; you are the anointed ax head sharpened and ready for resurrection power.
You are My battleax and weapons of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; With you I will destroy kingdoms; (Jeremiah 51:20)

2. Black delinquent gay

A young black followed me.  We walked together as I trusted him but... we ran into a police car.  He negotiated with them.  2 gentle policemen got off & we walked further.

I had him in a soap box and wanted him to rest but the hospital ball room was playing loud music so I took him to a terminal room where more quiet.  Patients had dialisis...

He became a tarentella, as he wanted to escape in my dream, I chased him & bangged him dead.

3. Black woman walkathon

I observed from the side, behind the route's fence.  I was crawling along other people so the walkathonesses looked at us...


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