Why am I Hatching impressions ?

Why am I Hatching impressions ?

Comment from Isiah 29:14 around the study of the hebrew word 'Yacaph'- to add or augment

« Ce peuple s'approche de moi, il m'honore de la bouche et des lèvres, mais son cœur est éloigné de moi et la crainte qu'il a de moi n'est qu'un commandement humain, une leçon apprise (Matthieu 15.8-9 dans Ésaie 29.13). »

The next verse demonstrates My purpose :

My purpose is «(I exist) to serve by Hatching Impression -to serve by creating imprints »
Mon objectif est d' «exister pour servir en éclosant des impressions - pour servir en créant des empreintes.»

One day the chair of Cinema's film animation department Stephan Anastesiu suggested I was «an intimist deconstructionist artist».

So the following verse says :

«C'est pourquoi, je continuerai à étonner ce peuple par des merveilles et des miracles, de sorte que la sagesse de ses sages disparaîtra et l'intelligence de ses hommes intelligents devra se cacher (1 Corinthiens 1.19 en Ésaie 29.14)

In french, 'Étonner' refers to 'Ébranler, Causer de la surprise à (qqn)' (to cause surprise, shake, undermine) and this is exactly what prophetic healing is about.

Is 29.14 «Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder : for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.(cf 1 Cor 1:19 in Isaiah 29:14)»

What does the KJV's word 'proceed' (Strong #H3254) in hebrew means ?
- 'Yacaph'- to add or augment in the adverbial tense (continuous).

But one thing is :

15Woe to those who dig deep to hide their plans from the LORD. In darkness they do their works and say, “Who sees us, and who will know ?»

The KJV asks who knoweth us ? This is what the stars in the cinematic industry are all dying for. Even if the works of darkness can be compared to the development process in a camera.

On the other sphere of the spectrum, being shot at is all about dying to our self-image and projecting who God wants us to be !

The chapter ends this way (Is 29:24) «They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding and they that murmured shall learn doctrine»

Google says «Reach is the total number of people who see your content. Impressions are the number of times your content is displayed, no matter if it was clicked or not. Think of reach as the number of unique people who see your content. ... However, an impression means that content was delivered to someone's feed.(Feb 15, 2018)»

Definitions of Hatch from Vocabulary.com :

«A bird such as a hen that sits on eggs to incubate them can be said to hatch the eggs. Then, when the chick emerges from the egg, you can also say it hatched.

Humans don't hatch eggs like birds do, but they can still incubate and then hatch a plan, invention, or idea. You may hatch a plan to surprise a friend for her thirtieth birthday party, but to ensure you don't end up with egg on your face, you should verify your friend isn't actually twenty-nine for the third year in a row! As a noun, a hatch is a trapdoor or other opening in the floor, ceiling, or wall that allows access.
  Synonym : hatching. Type of : birthbirthinggiving birthparturition (ei : the process of giving birth)
            Type of : movable barrier -a barrier that can be moved to allow passage.
  Synonyms : broodcoverincubate – type of multiply, procreate, reproduce

Synonym : devise or invent.
Type of : Create by mental actcreate mentally create mentally and abstractly rather than with one's hands


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