Psalm 112:5 Q&A

Psalm 112:5
«A good man deals graciously and lends. He will guide his affairs with discretion »

5It is well with the man who is generous and lends freely, whose affairs are guided by justice. 6Surely he will never be shaken; the righteous man will be remembered forever.…
ט A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth:
י he will guide his affairs with discretion. (KJV)

Here is some of the questions we can draw from the Lord :

What do you mean «with discretion» ?
What is guiding his affairs ?
What is directing businesses ?
What is deals graciously ?
What is negociates graciously ?
What is consenting graciously ?
What is scenting or smelling graciously ?
What are intuitive intereactions ?

Here is an answer I drew from :

What is lending ?
To me, it's giving an ear, listening. Listening is lending our existence and eistence is beyond acceptance. Existense is the reason we live because it's the sentene of liberty. Lending an ear is the essence of iteraction and the basis for peace (and if mingled with discretion, holding a thought), it will lead to the joy of revelation in our heart, the strenght of guarding thought captive to the obedience of Christ. The joy set before us is the revelation of his resurrection, the stabilizing factor of our healing and restoration.

The prophet lends his existence by listening generously with the loving kindness heart to sap the exedent or garbages and release a word-washing revelation of a compassionate mind who sacrifice himself in order to discern and cut asounder between soul and spirit, bones and marrow.
«Ear ô Israel, the Lord is one» What is a prophet ? A big ear used to say Wendy Ordonez ! Israel listen, Jacob battles. Earing is a proof you've won your battle. Listening is getting God's esteem, witch is His glory and perspective over situations, family affairs, business interactions and evangelistic strategy to move your mountains . Earing cut the throat of the stronghold powers to occupy God's kingdom in dark places.


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