

Object : Hathority


Dear beloved Word of Lifepreneur Partners,


Our students at Epigrace University wants to empower the next generation of Ambassadors of hope in need of identity.  Indeed, the soldier's head protector represents the hope of salvation according to Ephesians chapter 6's common Christian knowledge.


Would you partner with us and contribute to our weekly evangelical reach outs in the parks this summer ?


Would you have at heart to commission us to preach/print our Montreal/Cote des Neiges borrow / inner city dual Evangelical park compassion-mission as the «Mighty Poetic Junction / Messianic Portic Jalon» and favor us with a multiplication or addition factor ?


Please let us know your degree of interest on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest of course along with you price range /  quantity / quality menu.







About me and MPJ :


Personal Mission statement


Navigating prophetic-apostolic networks, I am using the seer feeler realm gifting as His Arsenal Scribe instructed in the kingdom of heaven to deliver power-packed spiritual scripture food to people. 

Along with this anointed scribe that shows compassionate virtues through my pen/mouth as a hope ambassador in Phase with God’s words and His recognized prophetic voices on earth, I believe we are pioneering the restoration of the Musical, Androgico-Educational Conversation Between the Jazz and Pop Gospel idiomatic culture.


Corporate entity


MPJ is a reverencial Majestic-Prophetic Juxtapositions (a junction between Arts, Cinema, Theology and Theatrical Businesses) aiming to have the fear of Messiah Yeshua in every decisions and actions we move unto. 


MPJ est une affectueuse Juxtaposition Prophétique-Majestique (une jonction entre les beaux-arts, le cinéma, la théologie et les affaires théâtrales) visant à avoir la crainte du messie Yeshua dans chaque décision et action dans laquelle nous nous mobilisons


Personal Purpose

«I exist to serve by Setting Free - to serve by Perspectiving Complimentaries (showing glories) - locating freedom»

«J’existe pour le service en rendant la liberté aux opprimés, en ayant une perspective complémentaire et rendant des compliments honorables, localisant la liberté, la libre expression ou circulation» - For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that We might destroy the works of the devil (1 Jn 3:8)

​You disposition to inhabit intimately in God’s relational structures for a dynamic reflection-revelation of the great compassion within me makes us the recipient of the prizest award on earth : soul winning for messiah.  In other word, you'll always emerge your highest potential with him in you (The secret of 1 Col 27 in Col 4:3 is the following: the hope of Christ in you has been granted through your overture prayer to announce His glorious presence in us, voluntary intercessors-prisoners)  Either you're a Giant, a Game changers, a Warriors, an Explorer or a Champions living the anointing 24/07, according to Graham Cooke in Wild love message.


Corporate Purpose


«We exist to serve by Hatching Impression -to serve by creating imprints»

«Nous existons par le service de l’éclosion d’impression, de servir en créant l’authenticité, une étanchéité ou des sceaux»

Votre disposition d’habiter intimement dans les structures relationnelles en Dieu pour une reflexion-révélation dynamique de la grande compassion à l’intérieur de moi fait de nous les recipients du plus prisé des récompenses sur terre : le gain d’âmes pour le Messie.  En d’autres mots, nous facilitons le potentiel le plus élevé émergera toujours avec lui en vous(Le secret de 1 Col 27 dans Col 4:3 est ceci : l’espérance de Christ en vous vous est accordée à travers vos prières d’ouvertures à l’annonce de sa glorieuse présence en nous, intercesseurs-prisonniers volontaires).  Soit que vous soyez un géant, un transformateur de jeux (qui ne fait pas que changer les règles, mais qui change carrément de jeux), un guerrier, un explorateur ou un champion, vous vivrez l’onction 24/07, selon le message de Graham Cooke dans Wild love 2018 sur YouTube. 








Ilan Daniel, Founder of epigrace university

«Empowering Children Access to Righteous High Education »



Ain Danielo, Hope ambassador at MPJ

«Learning to praise the One Who fights for and shields our souls eternally»


M.P.J. aka Mighty/Musical Poetic/Prophetic Junctions/Justification as Messianic Portic Jalon / Jesus and Musical Prophetic Jesus supported by Jesus Peace House of Prayer (JPHOP).  «We exist to serve by Setting Free - to serve by Perspectiving Complimentaries - locating freedom» - «Nous existons pour servir en rendant libre - pour servir en Perspectivant les compliementarités - localisant la liberté» - «I exist to serve by Hatching Impression -to serve by creating imprints » - «J'existe pour servir en éclosant des impressions - pour servir en créant des empreintes.» 450-300-2467 - https://je-suis-1.jimdosite.com - https://www.blogger.com/blog/posts/8029533171703100181  https://metatarso-phalangealjoint.bandcamp.com/album/exhortation-daniel-to-daniel - paypal.me/perfectepivisions


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