Dis alignment

«standing on Psalm 22:6, "Yet You are holy, You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel." The Lord issued a solemn appeal to me, "when the boots of the priests (singers, musicians, intercessors, prophetic messengers, and watchmen) touch the ground of the city and announce my character and personality through song, I will meet you there and openly manifest my goodness, presence, and glory over the city." Worship has become our mission for how we could serve and strengthen the local Church of Chicago. »  -Darrian Summerville Executive Director, MWatch | P&A

In my case, it's my boots that pierced through my appartment wall !
I have yet to document that...   but my rational might not be complete... what do you think of Matt 19:24 « Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” » since I had installed a Mezuza on my door that was not opening for some reasons... and despite the fact I was fighting the intimidations of Jezabel, I believe the 4 police officers that came and visit on that night where happy I was breaking in my own 'prison' and not messing outside around during pandemic ? 

It's true I was Dis-pensing (dé-penser) quite a lot (not thinking much) when Covid hit at first... 




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