MPJ - Mighty Poetic Junction's Purpose and mission
MPJ - Mighty Poetic Junction
«We exist to serve by Setting Free - to serve by Perspectiving Complimentaries - locating freedom»
«Nous existons pour servir en rendant libre - pour servir en Perspectivant les compliementarités - localisant la liberté»
«I exist to serve by Hatching Impression -to serve by creating imprints »
«J'existe pour servir en éclosant des impressions - pour servir en créant des empreintes.»
- For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that We might destroy the works of the devil (1 Jn 3:8)
Our mission inhabits in the intimists relations with capotable structures for a dynamic reflection of the great within. In other word, you'll always emerge your greatest potential with us. Either you're a Giant, a Game changers, a Warriors, an Explorer or a Champions living the anointing 24/07, according to Graham Cooke in Wild love.
- Or, c'est pour détruire les œuvres du diable que Nous sommes apparu. (1 Jn 3.8)
Notre mission réside dans les relations intimistes des structures pour réfléter le dynamisme et la puissance des grandes introversions. En d'autre terme, vous émergerez toujours votre plus grande potentiel avec nous. Vous découvrierez le géants, le modificateur de jeu, le guerrier, l'explorateur ou le champions en vous, vivant l'onction 24/07, en accord avec Graham Cooke dans Amour sauvage.
What people need and what people want should not be outstretch, thus we ensure that the assurance of salvation and the salvation of assurance work together as a whole - getting the rest of salvation as much as the salvation of rest, the love out of the sacrifice as much as the sacrifice of love God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8)
Beloved partners in MPJ,
MPJ is a reverencial Majestic-Prophetic Juxtaposition (between Arts, Cinema, Theology and Theatrical Businesses) representing our fear toward Messiah Yeshua and we would like to thank you for supporting our activity and consider our supplication to become our RAW prayers to heal the Nefesh- our Resourceful Ambassador of His Will in obedience to the Hope He inspired, dear partner in faith. Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Today I am downtown Montreal at the Music Business School (we partnered with Jam Vocal School of Performance) as a student to kick-off this new day of favor from our Lord (@ 7 PM at the Belgo Building). Wednessday I'll be at Youth Employment Service Montreal for strategic mentoring with the new director of Eastern Bloc Michelle Fillion.
However, I thrust and recommend you to go and by Holy Spirit's righteousness and Yeshua's grace, free yourself from any snares that keeps you downtrodden or discouraged. "A man's spirit will endure sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?" - Proverbs 18:14 . Beloved, I believe you can be our Hope Representant. Contribute to your atmosphere and carry us on your personal iPhone. Our what's app numbers are 1-514-714-2429 and 1-514-991-4587 in our glorious (still) free Canada, soon and not yet taken. Ephesians 1:18 Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,
Go meet people from our industry to mingle talents and get to work with others and collaborate on tangible workable project in our field of Sound Recordings and Orchestral journeys. Remember that we are inviting you to follow us or even better jam with us at some point IN YOUR TIME ZONE possible through Zoom technology or submit us your audio track portion through https://wetransfer. com/. to our address :
Go as our Representant, we commission you to notify us, give your report and we will find the right perspective. Prospect our field dear warriors or righteousness, we are so grateful you are taking steps toward the development of our Lord's production house. Feel free to visit the studio Thursday and let us know your own interests and we'll schedule soon or later next semester when free workshop space will be available. The workshops will probably be given to the brand new studio location - RAC Montréal - 1207 rue Saint-André. Hebrews 6:19 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain
Let's pray Holy Spirit directs us to the right people and coordinate our meetings, get to know each other, keep in touch with each other and having the right matches as we increase in the knowledge and anoiting of our expertise as we get ready to collaborate. Lamentations 3:24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
Be shem Yeshua,
Alain Daigneault, BFA Film Animation - Ministre Puissant en Jésus
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